Prism Infosec ensures that our experienced team of cyber security consultants provide you with GovAssure audit consultancy as a government organisation who are required to undergo GovAssure self-assessment. Working alongside key stakeholders our consultants will review evidence provided in support of the GovAssure submission and provide an assessment of compliance.
Launched in April 2023 GovAssure service will provide public sector organisations with the ability to assess their cyber maturity in relation to the UK Government Cyber Security Strategy. As a government organisations you will be required to conduct a GovAssure self-assessment which will then subject to an independent 3rd party GovAssure approved assessment against the requirements documented in the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) Cyber Assurance Framework (CAF): –
The four objectives above are supported by 14 principles which include 39 contributing outcomes that specify what you need to achieved in order to meet those outcomes. This provides more clarity than would be available as a checklist. Each contributing outcome is aligned to a set of indicators of good practice (IGPs) which are used to develop sector-specific CAF profiles so that your organisation has a view of appropriate and proportionate cyber security.
CAF Principles: –
Prism InfoSec’s GovAssure certified consultants will assess your self-assessment against the CAF to verify your current cyber security maturity.
Your GovAssure status will then be reviewed by the Government Security Group who will then work with you to generate a get well plan to remediate any risks identified.
Email Prism Infosec, complete our Contact Us form or call us on 01242 652100 and ask for Sales to setup an initial discussion.